U$D 10 each emote
Unique/different poses | Poses únicas/diferentes
File size 1.024x1.024 pixels
U$D 8 each emote
Recolor/small changes | Re color/pequeños cambios
File size 1.024x1.024 pixels
U$D 8 each badge
Recolor/small changes | Re color/pequeños cambios
File size 18x18, 36x36 & 72x72 pixels
Telegram stickers
U$D 10 each sticker
File size 512x512
I can do the Sticker Pack for you or you can ask me to help you make it if you need to
Puedo hacer el Pack de Stickers o ayudarte a hacerlo si lo necesitas
© AkurVR. Please don't share/repost my art without credits.